Past HRH Campaign

Fundraising Goal: $363,202.00
Total Raised: $178,582.00

Many thanks to all who helped make the past two years successful for our special girls and guys. Our two year Operational Campaign ended February, 2019. Funds raised allowed us to to run each of our programs successfully and allowed us to serve an additional group of participants. The search for an Executive Director continued throughout the two year period but we have yet to fill that part time position.

Thanks again to each of you! We invite you to join us in our New Two Year Campaign as we celebrate our 10th year as a non-profit.



From our total campaign amount, $22,809.00 was donated in memory of one of our Home Run Hitter Players, Phinny
From our total campaign amount, $18,400.00 was raised from the Annual Golf Tournament spearheaded by Buster Hayslip

Purpose: Due to increased demands for our programs, we need additional equipment and staff to meet the needs of the special community we serve. They are individuals with diagnosis such as autism, cerebral palsy, traumatic brain injury, Downs Syndrome, developmental delay, deaf-blind and more.

Goal: Fundraising Campaign for a total of $363,202 to raise HRHI operating funds for Fiscal Years 2017 and 2018.

How You Can Help: We invite you to make a tax-deductible gift in the range of $25 – $100,000. Gifts are payable by pressing the donate button on the HRHI website. Questions? Please call 713-789-6535. Thank you for your generosity, for whatever you can give.

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One of the supporters of the programs, Christian Winn, Assistant Principal at T.H. Rogers School, had this to say: ” Dr. Carr and the HRHI team are exemplary partners for schools serving students with special and unique needs.”
